How to Advertise on YouTube

Did you know over 122 million people use YouTube each day, accumulating to over two billion active users each month? Learning how to advertise on YouTube is a great way to create brand awareness and attract new customers to your business. What is YouTube advertising? YouTube advertising is the process of creating paid ads. It creates brand awareness and generates leads that can turn into loyal customers. YouTube advertising is a great investment for smaller businesses that want to reach more u...

So There’s Google, What About the Others?

Google has become a household name since its conception in 1998.  The company has become so massive that its name is synonymous with “search” for some people; you don’t look things up, you Google them. It’s not just a search engine anymore;  Google owns a variety of sub-companies in several business spaces. For an entire generation, Google is the end-all-be-all of search engines, and you might not be alone in wondering if Yahoo is still even a thing. In this article, we’ll take ...

How To Define And Set SMART Marketing Objectives

Think back to how you typically spend New Year’s Day. It’s a fun and exciting time spent with family and friends where you look towards the endless possibilities of the year to come.  Aside from the champagne, food, and festivities, it’s become common practice to set your new year’s resolutions. As good intentioned as they are, more often than not by the time February rolls around that mental checklist of life-changing ventures is nothing but a distant memory.  Often times the d...

Psychological Principles to Apply to Marketing

The Role of Psychology in Marketing: Use Psychology to Improve Your Marketing Did you ever wonder why sometimes it feels like people who understand others make the best marketers? You may watch your coworkers using basic principles to increase the sales of their products or secure more clients. It’s likely that they’ve discovered the role of psychology in marketing. Wait, will all your years of analyzing serial killers and reality TV stars during late-night TV binging actually help you be...

What is a Slug & How to Optimize It

If you are new to SEO, you may have seen the term “slug” thrown around without seeing a good definition for it. In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about slugs, including what a slug is, why slugs are important, and how you can optimize them for your website. As you’ll see, optimizing your slugs is an easy and effective way to improve your website’s SEO.  What is a Slug? The term ‘slug’ originated on WordPress and is used to describe the part of a URL that comes after the si...

How to Use Twitter to Boost Your SEO Rankings

In 2015, Google and Twitter made a pivotal agreement that gave Google full access to Twitter’s stream of information referred to as “the firehouse.” This decision allowed the search engine to start indexing tweets directly in the search results, meaning that using Twitter to boost SEO rankings became important for brands and businesses. Here are a few tips for taking advantage of this partnership to build your brand on Twitter and make it more accessible on the search engine results page. How T...

Build a Competitive Twitter Campaign for your Business

Most marketers use Google, Facebook, and Bing for Ads, yet there are thousands of users on Twitter every day that you may be missing out on. You may already know how to run an effective campaign for Google or Bing, but what does it take to run a great Twitter campaign? This guide will show you where to start in planning your Twitter marketing strategy, what steps you can take to break down the process, tips for making your own retweet-worthy content, and what you have to do to get the results ...

How Meta Descriptions Benefit Your Site

Great website content is one of the top-ranking factors for a web page, but even the best content for an audience sometimes cannot be found by a user when other factors are not optimized. From the start, users a lot of times will need to click on a link to land on your web page and begin consuming your content. In most cases, they are given available links to click on when they type in a search query with keywords of the topics they are interested in finding answers for. While great content may...

Rake in the Likes (and Revenue) With Social Media Services

Today, social media sites have more than 5 billion active users, and 91% of companies use social media. That means that both your potential customers and your competition are most likely on social sites. Clearly, social media is an opportunity you don’t want to miss out on. Professional social media services can help you boost engagement, leads, and sales. Keep reading — or contact us — to learn how. (more…)