How to Build a Social Media Strategy for Your B2B That Works

When you think about social media marketing, you’re likely to think of business-to-consumer (B2C) companies. That doesn’t mean you can’t develop a social media strategy for your business-to-business (B2B) operation, though.

Developing an effective social media strategy can be a game changer for your B2B marketing plan. Whether you’ve steered away from social media networks due to a fear of failure or a lack of information, you can launch and benefit from a social media campaign now.

Keep reading for the seven steps to building a social media strategy for your B2B!

1.      Don’t limit your platforms

If you think that your social media strategy is only suitable for business-oriented social media sites like LinkedIn, think again.

While it may make sense to use platforms made for business interactions and networking, that doesn’t mean you should avoid developing a social media strategy on sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, too.

When you establish your company’s presence on multiple platforms, you effectively expand the word-of-mouth surrounding your business. All social media platforms can help you spark a conversation about your business and generate more leads.

These are the goals your business wants to achieve.

While it’s worth taking advantage of multiple social media networks, it’s essential for your company to focus on the platforms that matter to your target audience. If your market doesn’t use Twitter, then it doesn’t make sense to launch a campaign there.

However, if your ideal client uses LinkedIn and Facebook, it’s smart to target both platforms.

2.      Think about your target audience

As a B2B company, your audience may not be as broad or extensive as a B2C company.

That doesn’t mean you can’t reach your prospective clients in the same place. Social media boasts billions of users, which means you’re bound to encounter your ideal clients on these sites,. To enjoy the most success, however, you’ll want to establish your target audience first.

Whether you’re selling software to businesses or offering copywriting services, you need to investigate what kind of content your audience would want to see on these platforms. Remember, users may expect different content from different platforms.

3.      Make use of user content

What sets social media sites apart from other engaging and interactive websites is the high tendency of users to share content. What better way to capture your audience’s attention then by sharing content from users that promotes your business and customer satisfaction?

If you follow companies on social media, you’ve probably already seen user-generated posts.

Whether it’s a post of a customer eating a restaurant’s favored dish or a video that shows a piece of software in action, user content is a great way to show how happy your customers are with your products and services.

How can you use this social media strategy for a B2B brand?

Consider sending out a “thank you” gift to your new clients. A simple card or gift box not only express your appreciation for your new business connections and clients but also helps generate buzz about your business.

When your clients tag you in their social media posts boasting about your gift, it’ll show your social media community that your business goes the extra mile to satisfy all your customers’ needs.

4.      Promote your culture

As a B2B company, you need to share your company’s values and culture to acquire more clients. Social media platforms are the ideal place to showcase your company’s guiding principles and demonstrate what your business is all about.

A social media strategy for B2B businesses looking to connect with their clients online and highlight their culture include providing sneak peeks of the work that goes on behind the scenes, as well as the team that makes your service possible.

A few ideas of social media content include:

No matter which platform you use to market your business, it’s vital to add a sense of personalization to your content that helps you better connect with your audience. Fortunately, promoting your company’s culture makes this much easier to achieve.

5.      Use CTAs in your posts

Whether your business offers a niche service or supplies products that can benefit most companies, you always want to ensure that your viewers leave your social media pages with the desire to explore your company in greater depth.

Since your website probably contains more information that would offer value to prospective clients, consider inviting your social media followers to visit your website whenever possible. You can even offer exclusive content on your site, like a guide, to encourage users to visit.

Whether you share a video or an image, use strong calls-to-action (CTAs). With a powerful CTA, you can encourage users to explore your company, products, or services in-depth, which can lead to a new high-value lead for your business.

6.      Share information related to your industry

No matter what industry your business falls into, you have content worth sharing.

Remain up-to-date on what’s happening in your industry. A business that sells software that tracks employee hours, for instance, could share a research study that outlines the benefits of timed work.

As active members in your industry, your target audience will appreciate having the latest insight about news relevant to your business and products, which may motivate them to explore your brand more, too. For current clients, this can result in improved customer loyalty.

7.      Be unique and intriguing

One of the best pieces of advice for any business establishing a presence on social media – B2B or B2C — is to be unique and original with the content you produce. You want to develop a reputable name for yourself on these platforms by creating one-of-a-kind content.

Establish a voice for your business when developing your social media marketing strategy.

When your followers can associate a specific tone and type of content with your company, it can create a more memorable impression on your audience, making it easier for them to remember your brand the next time they’re in need of products or services offered by your business.

The key takeaway to remember is that even though your audience may consist of business professionals looking for a business product, they still want to encounter unique and original content in the same way that B2C customers do.

Produce distinctive work on your social media accounts to remain on top of your competition.

Launch a successful social media campaign today

Do you have an active social media strategy for your B2B brand?

If not, now is the time to get started on these influential and expansive platforms.

When you decide to take your marketing efforts to social media, you’ll expand your degree of influence, produce a more recognizable name for your brand, and land new leads. Are you ready to get started?

If you need professional help, WebFX can assist. With our team of more than 200 digital marketing specialists, plus our more than 20-year history, we have the expertise to create a performance-driven social media campaign for your business.

Contact us online today to learn more!