Responsive Design: It Can Make or Break You

Mobile devices

Image: Adam Selwood (cc)

For the first time in 11 years, PC sales are expected to drop.

Why? Because more and more consumers are making their purchases on their smartphones and tablets.

In recent years, companies began developing their websites with responsive design techniques built right into them. When a site visitor loads that webpage, the site will resize itself according to how big or small the visitor’s computer screen is. Pretty cool, huh?

What internet marketing specialists are finding is that the implementation of responsive design can have a huge impact on a business’s conversion rates. When you load a webpage on you iPhone, the webpage will either look teeny tiny and chaotic, or it will be readable and easy to use.

Which mobile site would you buy from?

If your website doesn’t have a responsive design, you’re missing a lot of business opportunities.

In its Mobile Ads blog, Google shared that 61% of people will bounce from a mobile site if they can’t find what they’re looking for immediately. In terms of responsive design, that means that a potential 61% of people who land on your mobile website are going to leave if you don’t have responsive design elements implemented. Furthermore, 52% of users said they were less likely to engage with a company if they had a bad mobile experience with its website and 48% said that if a site didn’t work well on their smartphones they believed the company didn’t care about them.

When you implement responsive design, you have an advantage over competitors.

On the other hand of the responsive design paradigm, Google found that 67% of site visitors were more likely to buy products from a site that was easy to see and navigate on their mobile devices. Likewise, 74% of mobile users said that they were more likely to return to a website if it had a mobile-friendly design.

If your competitors haven’t begun using responsive design on their websites yet, you need to get a jump start on them. It could mean the difference between you getting all the conversions, or customer sales being divided between your company and all of your competitors.

The takeaway from all of this is that if you aren’t using responsive design techniques on your website right now, you need to change that.

With thousands of mobile devices and screen sizes alike, you can’t afford to not make use of this increasingly necessary marketing tool.