Beginners Tips for SEO: 5 Must-Know Tips For Optimizing Your Site

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Image: mkhmarketing

Search engine optimization is one of the most beneficial strategies a business can implement – if carried out correctly. But if you’re new to SEO there are some beginner tips you should consider before you go crazy plugging keywords into every sentence of your website.

Tip 1: Less is more

As tempting as it may be to create painfully redundant content for the sake of fitting more keywords into your website, don’t do it. If you use glaringly-obvious SEO techniques as an attempt to rank better, Google won’t reward your efforts. But, if you practice good SEO techniques that improve your Google rankings slowly over time, you can sneak under Google’s radar. The key is moderation. A few naturally-included keywords will do much more for your SEO efforts than a thousand forcefully-placed ones.

Tip 2: Know your KOB (keyword opposition to benefit)

In the beginning of your keyword research, you need to conduct a thorough analysis of what keywords your competitors are ranking for. Compare the keywords your competitors are targeting to keywords you want to use. Aim your sights on keywords that aren’t at the top of your competitors’ lists. By choosing keywords with low opposition and high benefit to your business, you do a lot to increase your chances of ranking well on Google.

Tip 3: Think local

Sometimes companies get so caught up in the online aspect of their businesses that they forget they have a physical location. At least, it seems that way. But one of the most beneficial features of Google is that it will bring up local query results first. So, rather than trying to rank for the keyword “restaurant,” try ranking for “(your town) restaurant.” This will help local people, who will physically travel to your location, find your business on Google.

Another invaluable tool from Google is Google+. If your business doesn’t already have a Google+ account, you need to make one. By registering your business with Google+ and providing a location and phone number for your company, your business appears more trustworthy to Google, thus helping you rank higher. Plus, customers will easily be able to contact your company and your Google+ link can be shared on a variety of social media sites.

Tip 4: Move outside of your website

Now, Google+ has already been mentioned, but Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest can also be very useful SEO tools. More social media pages will not only make potential customers more aware of your brand, but these profiles can also direct more traffic back to your website. It has also been projected that the number of Likes and Retweets a company gets may eventually influence Google rankings. At this point in time, though, Google says that such features have no effect on rankings. Even so, it would be unwise to ignore the possibilities of your company’s social media sites.

Tip 5: Blog it out

Having a company blog is one of the best ways to generate new and versatile content for your business. It’s also a great way to draw in customers. Your website is a place for all of the information your customers could ever want about your products, services and industry specs. But your blog is a place for you to show the more personable side of your company.

For instance, say you own a greenhouse. Your website would include all of the specific information about your business, the kinds of plants you sell, etc. Your blog, on the other hand, might discuss the best kinds of plants to display in kitchens, how to make delicious teas using leaves grown at home, or any other number of related topics. And of course, any content you create from your blog can be shared on your social networking sites, which could lead to increased website traffic.

There are, of course, many more intricate and in-depth tactics you will need to implement in order to successfully improve your company’s rankings on Google. However, hopefully these beginners tips have given you a better idea of the steps necessary to move up Google’s ranking ladder.