How SEO and PPC Work Together

SEO and PPC are two sides of the same coin. One helps you raise your website’s search rankings organically over time, while the other puts it in front of potential customers immediately. Instead of choosing one over the other, your company could be getting better results by using both.

Although there are a lot of similarities between SEO and PPC, the benefits vary. Your preferred option will depend on the size of your budget and your specific goals, but you’ll find it takes less time and effort to reap the benefits of one strategy when you combine it with the other. Keep reading to find out how.

What Are the Benefits of SEO and PPC?

One of the reasons PPC and SEO work so well together is because they leverage the power of search in complementary ways. SEO is an effective long-term strategy because it offers:

Pay-per-click campaigns can run over a long or short time, but the benefits occur right away, such as:

How Does One Tactic Benefit the Other?

So SEO and PPC offer different benefits, which complement each other well. However, they’re similar enough that data from one can inform the other. How can they work together so your campaign gets the best of both? By focusing on these elements:

There’s some overlap between SEO and PPC, but that’s no reason to implement one and ignore the other. In fact, incorporating both into your Internet marketing strategy is a surefire way to increase visibility, revenues and site rank.