Infographics for Inbound Marketing

cartoon infographic

Are you considering making infographics part of your inbound marketing strategy?

Considering that Internet users are 30 times more likely to read an infographic than a wall of text, they can be an extremely valuable component in attracting new customers.

So if you want to use infographics as part of your inbound marketing strategy, the following six steps will help you get started.

How to create inbound marketing infographics

Infographics are a great way to market your business. They let you share statistics and facts with your visitors in an organized and visually-appealing way.

It can be overwhelming when you’re not sure where to start, but we can help.

1.      Choose a topic

The first step of creating any infographic is to choose a topic. However, it has to meet a few different criteria.

You should choose a topic that is of interest to your users and target the ones that you expect to be interested in your keywords. Since infographics aren’t made to convert, you’re simply looking to use keywords that will rank highly so that your target audience can find you.

This is an easy way to see just what your audience is looking for, and you can design your infographic around that.

Typically, infographics have a lot of charts, graphs and numbers. Information for an infographic should use qualitative information so that it’s easier to present.

2.      Choose a designer

There are a few different options when it comes to creating your infographic.

The first option is to assign the project to someone within your company who works on your design team. This isn’t an option, though, if you don’t have a design team.

Another option is to outsource your infographic to a freelancer.

This is a great option because there are a wide variety of choices and prices when it comes to freelance designers. You’ll be able to communicate with them throughout the creation of your infographic will get to suggest any changes that you’d like to see.

However, some freelancers may upcharge to make revisions and some may be bad with timing, scheduling and communication.

That being said, there are typically ratings on freelancer sites that allow you to see how they have worked with other people, making your choice a little easier.

You could also outsource your infographic to a marketing agency. Better yet, if you already work with a digital marketing agency for your other marketing needs, their design team can most likely create your infographic for you.

3.      Research your topic

In order to create a successful, interesting infographic, you’ll have to find compelling information about your topic.

Search for information that is presented in numbers, whether percentages, costs, amounts, or dates, just to name a few examples.

Infographics are about presenting a lot of information quickly and in a way that interests its viewers. This is typically achieved with charts, graphs and timelines, which is why it helps to find information that is easy to compile in those formats.

In order for an infographic to turn out exactly the way you want it to, you have to provide your designer with detailed information that you want to be included in the infographic.

After all, it’s not the designer or freelancer’s job to research the topic! Whatever information you provide them is what will go into the infographic.

4.      Create a wireframe

Though a wireframe isn’t absolutely necessary in the creation of your infographic, it can help your designer get an idea of what you expect from them.

You can use tools like Microsoft Word or Adobe Illustrator to go into as little or as much detail as you see fit.

If you want certain statements to be shown in certain locations, it’s best to provide a detailed wireframe. On the other hand, if you’re just looking to show the order or flow of your information, you can easily create a less detailed wireframe in Microsoft Word.

You can also make note of color schemes that you like, colors to stay away from, and any other graphic ideas that you want to be included in your infographic. After you’ve decided on a designer to create your infographic, researched your topic and created a wireframe, it’s time to send all of your information off.

Typically you can set a due date for your designer, but make sure it’s within reason.

5.      Wait for first draft and give revisions

The first draft of an infographic is rarely (if ever) the final version. When you get the first draft, read over all of the information for errors, and keep track of anything that needs changed.

This is also the ideal time to give comments on color scheme and graphics and whether or not they fit your criteria.

When your revisions are complete, send them back to your designer and repeat this process for the second draft.

6.      Ask for all forms of the infographic

After you’re happy with your infographic, it’s important that you ask your designer for all of the files associated with it. This includes the file in numerous formats, such as JPG and PNG, the Illustrator file, (or Photoshop, Publisher etc.) and the fonts.

This ensures that if you find a last minute mistake after you’ve already paid the freelancer, you’ll be able to fix it without a hitch.

Ready to make infographics part of your inbound marketing strategy?

Want to start using infographics to increase your traffic and attract new customers? We can help!

We know inbound marketing and we know how to create effective infographics to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today for a free quote!