13 Content Writing Tips and Exercises

Looking for content writing tips to overcome writer’s block? We’ve been there — having these brilliant thoughts streaming through your mind as articulate and expressive as ever until you attempt to put them to paper (or type them on your screen). It’s a frustrating ordeal, but one that can be easily eradicated by improving your content writing skills.

The best place to start is by reassuring yourself that if you have the idea, you can write it. And if you can write it, you can improve it.

What makes content good?

You need to know what makes good content to be a good content writer! You can identify quality content from a few core elements:

13 content writing tips and exercises you can try now

Dive into these 13 easy content writing tips for practical insights to improve your skills.

1. Have daily writing goals

You can only master a skill by practicing it often. Setting daily writing goals tailored to you is a fantastic way to improve your skills in areas you want to see your writing develop. Daily goals help you stay focused and motivated. Bonus — Find a writing buddy who can share your writing goals.

2. Read read read

Like a chef needs to eat, a writer must read. Reading is an excellent way to find inspiration and develop your writing. Reading exposes you to various literary styles, broadens your vocabulary, and expands your imagination and critical reasoning. The most prolific writers are almost certainly the biggest bookworms.

3. Analyze what you read

While that book is open, take a moment to pinpoint what the author does best. Explore the style, tone, and literary devices in the various books and blogs you read. What areas of writing does the author excel in? How can you incorporate those elements into your own writing?

4. Map out your content

Outlining your content is one of the most excellent tools in your writing arsenal. Mapping your content is an easy but effective way to organize your thoughts and give yourself a clear vision of the flow of your content. Adding meat to your content becomes easier when you have subheadings and bullet points as a starting point.

5. Get great at research

It’s obvious, but you can’t write about what you don’t know. Get familiar with the subject matter you want to explore so your writing exudes confidence and clarity! For copywriting, authoritative linking and reliable citations are vital to SEO. Keen research skills will positively impact your content.

6. Keep it simple

Keeping your writing simple can be tricky. You require a degree of finesse to write engaging and informative content while still being concise. Aim for every sentence to pack a punch or serve a purpose. Eliminate fluff and unnecessary intricacies and you will engage your readers more.

7. Take grammar quizzes or courses

Online grammar quizzes only take a few minutes to complete and provide a fun and easy way to learn! Online workshops are also valuable tools

8. Step out of your comfort zone

Perhaps you write brilliant blog content but your technical writing skills need work (or vice versa). Take a step outside the styles you are most familiar with — especially if you have pigeonholed yourself as a writer — and allow yourself the opportunity to expand your skills. Versatility is key to being a good writer.

9. Watch wordiness

Engaging content is concise. This doesn’t mean you can’t wax lyrical when the content calls for it, only that you should place value on every word and forgo the fluff.

10. Play with literary devices

Literacy devices exist to give your writing flair, cleverness, and impact — so use them! From allegories and metaphors to suspense and wit, literary devices are the salts that season your writing.

11. Go for the finish line

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Write the first word, then the next until your story is complete — regardless of if it’s perfect. The proofreading and editing stages exist for a reason. Focus on writing complete copy first, then on making it perfect.

12. Proofread like a pro

Knowing the basics of proofreading and editing goes a long way to developing into a proficient writer. As you proofread more, it’s easier to pickup on style errors, passive voice, and other roadblocks to quality content as you are writing.

13. Accept feedback

Here’s a fun challenge — see how quickly your content writing skills improve when you accept feedback as a blessing rather than a criticism. Feedback from readers, editors, and fellow writers is probably the most invaluable (and free!) resource you have. Good feedback highlights your strengths and is an effective way to know which skills require work.

Get quality content with Inbound Marketing Inc.

Are you ready to fill your website with compelling copy that increases engagement, and drives traffic and sales? Inbound Marketing Inc. is a leading copywriting and content creation agency. We have an expert team that crafts SEO-friendly content that converts!

Request a free quote, or call us at 888-675-9886 to speak to a copywriting strategist today.