Does B2B Inbound Marketing Really Work?


If you advertise or run a B2B company, you’ve probably already explored some of the digital marketing opportunities available to you. From banner ads to PPC to social media, there are certainly a lot of options for someone trying to grow their business online. But as more and more people use the Internet to research products and find solutions to their problems, one of the best ways to reach potential customers is inbound marketing.

A survey of B2B customers revealed that 57% of their purchasing decisions are made before they even talk to a supplier. Buyers want to know all of their options in order to make informed purchasing decisions, and many of them turn to the Internet for answers.

So how can you get the attention of potential clients as they search for information? Keep reading to learn how providing valuable information online can generate business for your B2B company.

What is inbound marketing?

If you’re not familiar with the term inbound marketing, it includes marketing that attracts consumers’ attention and makes them want to learn more about your company. This is different from traditional marketing methods, like ads on TV, radio, billboards, or magazines, which attempt to push messages on consumers in a sometimes disruptive way.

Having potential customers seek out your company on their own might sound too good to be true, especially for a B2B company, but it’s entirely possible with the right inbound marketing strategy. If you can create quality content that answers questions, provides information, or simply entertains your target audience, it can make them want to visit your site and find out more.

How is inbound marketing different for B2B companies?

The audience who finds your content on their own will likely be smaller than the amount of people you can reach through traditional methods, but are more likely to become customers than those who simply see an ad on TV. But how does this strategy apply if you are marketing to businesses and not individual consumers?

Instead of marketing to the general public, you’ll need to target potential buyers who when they start their research online. They use search engines to find solutions to various problems and needs, and the best way to attract their attention is by becoming a part of the research process. This is called content marketing.

Create articles or blog post that answer questions potential clients might be searching for. For example, if you sell software that helps companies coordinate meetings and schedules, you might write an article called, “How Can I Organize My Employees’ Busy Schedules?” If someone searches for this term, there’s a good chance that they might be interested in purchasing your product. If your content is informative and useful, they might be inclined to contact you.

How inbound marketing benefits buyers

An added benefit of content marketing is that it is much less disruptive than traditional advertising methods. Commercials on TV and the radio can sometimes take away from the viewing and listening experience, and doing research online feels much more natural than getting cold calls from salespeople.

Because of this, inbound marketing provides a better experience for buyers who make purchases for their companies. It gives them the ability to connect with your company on their own, then make an informed decision about whether or not their company is interested in working with yours.

How inbound marketing benefits businesses

Creating quality content may sound like a lot of work, and you should certainly take the time to make sure it is done right, but the payoff for your business can be huge. Considering that B2B customers make most of their purchasing decisions before even speaking with companies, becoming a part of a buyer’s research will make it much more likely that they become your client instead you competitors’.

Inbound marketing will also lead to more informed and qualified potential clients. By the time they decide to contact you, they will have already done their research. Instead of spending time trying to convince a buyer of your product’s worth or explaining what it does, you can have a conversation in which both parties are interested and knowledgeable.

This pre-existing knowledge means that they are much less likely to lose interest or change their mind. They already know how they can benefit from working with you, or they wouldn’t have taken the step from reading about your company online to contacting you.

If you want to learn more about B2B inbound marketing strategy, or need help coming up with quality content to attract potential clients, contact Inbound Marketing Inc. today! We know what works, and we’re more than happy to assist you.